A collective blog on the fusion between art-literature-poetry and music or how these different disciplines interacted and amused themselves and were muses for each other at the same time. This blog invites authors also to publish their own work on LAMUSAR or to give comments on books they like and why?! If you hesitate, let you inspire by these words received from the Fiji Isles: SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL, MANY SMALLS IS BIG! (Simonne Pauwels)
Zoeken in deze blog
Voor Emmy
Zijn het pluimen of bladeren
die ontsnappen uit je binnenste hartkamer
of is het de gloed van de kleur van kloppend bloed
hunkerend naar de stilte van rimpelloos
Als haar handen vloeibaar worden
krijgt de piano vleugels op het doek
Een boom verbijt haar vergezicht
In de diepte luisteren wortels verrukt
naar de zachte braille van haar bestaan
Tuinen hangen van de wolken
omlaag, omhoog groeien vreemde bloemen
uit een ingebeelde notenbalk.
Guido Vermeulen
14 november 2011
Muziek bij de video: Claude Debussy
Zijn het pluimen of bladeren
die ontsnappen uit je binnenste hartkamer
of is het de gloed van de kleur van kloppend bloed
hunkerend naar de stilte van rimpelloos
Als haar handen vloeibaar worden
krijgt de piano vleugels op het doek
Een boom verbijt haar vergezicht
In de diepte luisteren wortels verrukt
naar de zachte braille van haar bestaan
Tuinen hangen van de wolken
omlaag, omhoog groeien vreemde bloemen
uit een ingebeelde notenbalk.
Guido Vermeulen
14 november 2011
Muziek bij de video: Claude Debussy
vrijdag 30 december 2011
donderdag 29 december 2011
2012 Haiku
From Miche Art Universalis, Belgium
Translation from the Dutch
Artist book production by Janine Weiss, Switzerland
inspired by the French painter NICOLAS DE STAEL
Life Is Short, Break The Rules.
“Life is short, Break the Rules.
Forgive quickly, Kiss SLOWLY.
Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret ANYTHING
That makes you smile.”
― Mark Twain
maandag 26 december 2011
donderdag 22 december 2011
Ephemeral art work from Marilyn Dammann who passed away in 2005
Song lyrics CAT STEVENS
Oh, I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land,
Oh if I ever lose my hands, Oh if.... I won't have to work no more.
And if I ever lose my eyes, if my colours all run dry,
Yes if I ever lose my eyes, Oh if.... I won't have to cry no more.
Oh I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
And if I ever lose my legs, I won't moan, and I won't beg,
Yes if I ever lose my legs, Oh if.... I won't have to walk no more.
And if I ever lose my mouth, all my teeth, north and south,
Yes if I ever lose my mouth, Oh if.... I won't have to talk...
Oh I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
Did it take long to find me? I asked the faithful light.
Did it take long to find me? And are you gonna stay the night?
Oh I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
dinsdag 20 december 2011
zondag 18 december 2011
donderdag 15 december 2011
Large painted envelope for Laurence Gillot in France.
Around poem fragment from Jacques IZOARD, from the collection PIEGES d AIR, published by LE FRAM editions Belgium (a magazine also publishing books, from another friend of mine and a great poet 2: Karel Logist)
Translation of words on the painted envelope:
Do not cry anymore
Pretend to whisper
that the thread of water
has slashed your veins
Small painted envelope, inspired by the poetry collection THE RED WINGS OF WAR by Emile Verhaeren.
This book was dedicated to Maurice Maeterlinck, writer of the Blue Bird.
Mailed to Niklas Heed in Sweden.
woensdag 14 december 2011
Poem I wrote around a photo from Kerri Pullo, USA
Woman caught between rocks and trees
Dedicated to Kerri Pullo and Simonne Pauwels
She eats a sandwich made of stolen sea food
Worms in driftwood wanna speak to you,
she says with a swift waitress voice
to the smallest sea coast she ever saw.
In the bedroom he plays Bach because
nobody else will warm these sheets of music.
She wears an angel on her hat, goes thru his head,
because her heart swims with the dreams of disappearing fish.
I’ve buried my eyes under the giant roots of trees,
they are almost a thousand years old, he tries to explain in vain.
I’ve buried mine in rocks, she simply sings
with a seductive mermaid voice to make peace between them
as soft as possible and as understanding as the sounds of spoon and room.
He acts with hidden words instead of uncovered leaves:
I did not know rocks were almost mirrors in the golden sun!
This sentence feels quite like a quiet kiss of autumn on my lips,
such an aria and echo of her soul looking for the holes in bones.
He simply smiles.
She takes one of the rocks to show him it smiles back
Waves intervene in the debate
Wonder how to show them how to really kiss
How to kiss their naked bodies without drowning
both of them at once
How to breathe like these yielding trees near the beach,
this beach where both of them were born in different decades.
Guido Vermeulen
December 2011
maandag 12 december 2011

Small painted envelope for Louise Kinner in Canada, around a poetry fragment by Jacques IZOARD who was one of my close friends. He died in 2008.
Le linge est un peu rouge
puisque les cris d’oiseaux
meurent dans les vitres
The laundry is a little red
because the cries of birds
are dying in the windows
zaterdag 10 december 2011
On the tiny differences between swimming and flying
BUT THE RIVER was dead, from ANTWERP to the sea

Small painted envelope I mailed to Stefano Fossiant Sini in Italy,
around fragment of poetry by EMILE VERHAEREN from his collection TOUTE LA FLANDRE.
Verhaeren is a French Belgian poet but he caught the essence of Flanders like no other Flemish writer has done.
DUST ASEMICS according to Buzz

Small painted envelope accompanied by short text:
Small painted envelope (mailed to KDJ, USA)
Het liefste wat Buzz doet is op mijn heup springen en daarop slapen. Soms maakt hij me dan wakker en begin ik hem zachtjes te strelen. Het zonlicht dat door de gordijnen valt, veroorzaakt een dans van ontelbare stofdeeltjes. Buzz ziet die wellicht voor de eerste maal in zijn prille katerbestaan en probeert die te vangen. Hij zet zich op zijn achterste poten op mijn heup, balanceert zijn piepjong evenwicht en graait met zijn voorste poten naar de stof en lichtdeeltjes die hij uiteraard niet vatten kan. Hij denkt even na en zet zich af van mijn been en zweeft even door de lucht om dan met een plof op het bed terecht te komen. Ik kijk of alles in orde is, of hij nog steeds dezelfde Buzz is, of hij toevallig en voor heel even door een andere dimensie gewipt is of niet. Hij herkent mij meteen en likt mijn arm om dan het spel met de gouden stofdeeltjes en atomen te hervatten. Ik had hem niet Buzz moeten noemen maar Lyra of Philip of Nils.
(emailed to Simonne Pauwels)
donderdag 8 december 2011

Even een gedicht dat ik vandaag voor jou heb genoteerd,
voorgelezen door een (oude) vrouw van Tonga, Konai Helu Thaman, die gans haar
leven onderzoek heeft gedaan over "how to learn and to teaching the Pacific"
you say that you think
therefore you are
but thinking belongs to the depts of the earth
we only borrow what we need to know ...
Andere gedachte van de dag :
without knowing the culture of a child
you cannot teach a child
Email from Simonne Pauwels on the Fiji Isles
woensdag 7 december 2011
Is this F L Y I N G ?
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